Our Curriculum

At Northern Stars Montessori School & Daycare we are committed to a positive learning environment that provides an enriched educational experiences for all children.

Our curriculum is based on developmental as well as age appropriate curriculum activities that are geared toward small and large group activities focused on each child’s abilities and needs.

We believe that each child has a unique pattern and timing of growth and we believe that growth in the areas of cognitive, social, emotional, physical is a result of positive attitudes and interactions. Our hands-on approach makes the learning process enjoyable and allows children to experiment, evaluate and discuss their findings. When your child graduates from our program, it is our goal that your child has a smooth transition into elementary school. Our curriculum is guided, and in many cases exceeds the Ontario Ministry of Education Guidelines, and incorporates Maria Montessori Philosophy.

Illustration of toy blocks

Programming Policy

Each age group and classroom has a variety of activities that allows your child to experience the various stages of development. Daily activities and programs will be posted outside each classroom for parents to see. The classroom will be divided into learning centres which allows Northern Stars Montessori School & Daycare administer it’s curriculum in a way that allows children to participate in scheduled activities, or simply engage in play based activities. Group participation is encouraged but never forced at Northern Stars Montessori School & Daycare. Each learning centre plays an important part in programming because they represent the Montessori approach to learning and include all curriculum components; language, mathematics, science, art, music and dramatic arts.

Circle Time

This is a time for coming together and sharing ideas; a time to develop a sense of the whole group. During circle time, children spend time reading, singing and learning about the calendar as well as participating in various activities related to themes and/or topics of interest. Children learn to listen to others as well as becoming more comfortable speaking in front of groups.

Practical Life

Practical Life Exercises promote mind and body coordination, control and refinement of basic movements, and develop focus and attention which are important goals of both the Montessori and play based practices. These exercises in movement, self-help, care of the environment as well as grace and courtesy captures the preschool child’s natural interest and innate desire to participate in the affairs of the world around your child. These exercises build good habits for exploration and learning, which extends to the home and even to the larger, more conventional learning environment.

Sensorial Exercises

Children learn about the world around them through the use of all of their senses, which then educates their intellect. The senses teach children about things they can touch in their environment, and the relationships between them. The purpose of the sensorial exercises are to enable children to manipulate, differentiate, order, and classify impressions by touching, listening, seeing, tasting, and smelling. These exercises help children to form mental images of concrete objects that paving the way to abstract thinking. These activities incorporate the distinguishment between various shapes, colours, sizes, weights and scents. All of the sensorial materials are sequential, building on past experience and competency and preparing children for future learning.

Cultural Studies

The aim of studying culture is to allow children to experience their place in the universe. They begin by exploring similarities between their culture and others, and then can appreciate and respect the differences. Cultural studies are presented to your children through lessons on History, Geography, Science and extensions of practical life activities, sensorial activities, language activities and story time. Cultural activities help children understand and categorize the world around them, and encourage them to seek new information and facts.

Language Program

Language development begins with the presentation and classification of the vocabulary within the child’s own surroundings. Phonics is used to teach the basic language skills. Montessori preschool graduates are able to read and write with confidence before entering elementary school.

Mathematics Program

The Mathematics Program provides an excellent foundation and understanding of mathematical concepts, beginning with concrete materials and moving towards abstract. The Montessori mathematical materials used offer concrete and visual impressions of numbers and beyond into Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. Children are introduced to the concept of quantity and symbols for the numbers, units, tens, hundreds, thousands and learn the four functions of arithmetic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Health and Wellness Program

Our Health and Wellness program has three main objectives. The first is to provide nutritional meals and snacks according to the Canadian Food Guide. Our second objective is to teach your child about daily hygiene and grooming rituals. The last objective is to provide your child with the opportunity to participate in a daily physical fitness routine and other gym related activities.

Everyday Life/Drama Centre

The Drama Centre is a play area where children are given an opportunity to use their imagination. Northern Stars Montessori School & Daycare allows children to explore everyday materials. This area offers a variety of materials which can be items that we find at home or around our community such as items relating to a doctor’s office, grocery store, hair dressing salon, school bus, etc. The classroom setting helps children develop their creative side, language, communication and social skills, decision making and negotiation skills among a group. The Everyday Life/Drama Centre equipment for each room will be rotated on a monthly basis so children have time to enjoy a sense of make believe under different settings.

Science and Sensory Centre

Children of all ages can experiment with their five senses and enjoy different activities that include different kinds of materials that have an abundance of texture, smell and appearance. Children have the opportunity to directly explore cause and effect relationships.

Music Centre

Music is a time for children to enjoy different musical rhythms, and dancing or moving to the sound of music. The Music Centre promotes and encourages children to exposes them to different types of music as well as make them aware of how music is played and created.

Visual Arts Centre

We believe in both child-directed and teacher-directed activities. Children have the opportunity to use the arts and crafts shelf at all times during play base time. Children are encouraged to create their own art with a large variety of arts and crafts materials. A number of activities are supervised by a teacher because some activities are designed for a specific theme or topic. This gives teachers an opportunity to educate children about different themes programmed for that day or week.

Reading Centre

Children are offered many types of storybooks, magazines and computer audio listening equipment. Children may sign out their favorite book and share their reading experiences with their family members. A rotation of the books takes place allowing children to get a large variety of themes, topics and interests.

Block/Building Centre

Children learn to develop gross and fine motor skills allowing them to experiment with shapes, spaces and sizes. This is an opportunity to create, design and form either individually or in a group setting.

Floor Toys and Puzzles

This area helps develop decision making skills, social skills and language skills. Rotation of toys is mandatory so that children get a large variety and always have interesting toys that capture their attention.